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Congratulations to Z. Zhang and Z. He for their joint research paper " Synthetic optimization and application of Li-argyrodite Li6PS5I in solid-state battery at different temperatures " accepted by Rare Metals

Congratulations to Z. Zhang and Z. He for their joint research paper " Synthetic optimization and application of Li-argyrodite Li6PS5I in solid-state battery at different temperatures " accepted by Rare Metals


Lithium argyrodite electrolytes (Li6PS5X (X = Cl, Br, I)) have received tremendous attention due to their low cost and high conductivity among sulfide electrolytes. However, the synthesis details and application of Li6PS5I in solid-state batteries have not been fully investigated yet. Here, we unravel the synthetic process for the Li6PS5I phase with the mechanical milling route, in which the argyrodite phase appears after 500 r·min−1 for 12 h. The pure Li6PS5I phase with the highest ionic conductivity (2.1×10−4 S·cm−1) is obtained after 20-h milling, and a subsequent annealing process causes a decrease in the conductivity. The Li6PS5I is applied with both the pristine and LiNbO3-coated LiNi0.7Mn0.2Co0.1O2 cathodes in solid-state batteries. The coated LiNi0.7Mn0.2Co0.1O2 material delivers higher discharge capacities (211.4 vs. 140.7 mAh·g−1 at 0.05C for the 1st cycle, and 144.0 vs. 66.5 mAh·g−1 at 0.50C for the 2nd cycle) and higher coulombic efficiencies. Moreover, the coated LiNi0.7Mn0.2Co0.1O2 electrode exhibits potential operation at −20 °C. In situ/ex situ electrochemical impedance spectrum (EIS) are applied to unravel the resistance evaluation of solid-state batteries (SSBs) at different temperatures, which show that the low electrolyte conductivity and the slow lithium-ion mobility across the interface are the major bottlenecks for good electrochemical performance.
