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Congratulations to Dr. Qiang Wu for his article on Triallyl Isocyanurate Enabled SPAN-based Organosulfur Featuring High Sulfur& Selenium Loading for Advanced Li/Na-S Batteries accepted by Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

《Triallyl Isocyanurate Enabled SPAN-based Organosulfur Featuring High Sulfur& Selenium Loading for Advanced Li/Na-S Batteries》

Sulfurized polyacrylonitrile (SPAN), featuring uniform dispersion of short-chain sulfur in organic skeleton, shows great promise in Li-S batteries since the inhibited polysulfide dissolution and hence improved electrochemical performance. However, the practical property of SPAN is significantly limited by its relatively poor ionic and electronic conductivity, as well as sulfur content (<50%). Herein, Triallyl Isocyanurate (TI) is incorporated to fabricate SPAN fiber with robust chemical structure and high sulfur loading. The fine-tuned organosulfur cathode (Se0.05S0.95PAN-TI11, 1F) demonstrates hoisted S&Se content of 54.2% and excellent electrochemical performance in Li/Na-S batteries. As a result, 1F exhibits an ultrahigh composite capacity of 671 mAh g−1 at 0.1C and remarkable rate capability of 405 mAh g−1 at 8C in Li-S batteries. Additionally, 1F shows prolonged cycle ability over 300 cycles at 0.5C when applied in RT Na-S battery. Notably, under harsh conditions (S&Se loading of 5.5 mg cm−2 and E/S&Se= 5µL/mg), Li-1F battery displays a brilliant initial areal capacity of 8.0 mAh cm−2 at 0.1C (reversible capacity of 6.3 mAh cm−2) and retains capacity of 5.3 mAh cm−2 at the 200th cycle (capacity retention of 84%). Consequently, 1F is promising for practical applications in high-performance Metal-S batteries.  
