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Congratulations to Jingqi Ma and Lingfeng Gao for their work , which was accepted by the magazine Batteries & Supercaps.

Congratulations to Jingqi Ma and Lingfeng Gao (from Wuhan University) for their work on the use of chitin nanosheets as anode and cathode materials for sodium-sulfur batteries, which was accepted by the magazine Batteries & Supercaps. The title of the paper is “Dual play of chitin derived N-doped carbon nanosheets enabling high performance Na-SeS2half/full cells”. This work was completed in cooperation with the research group of Academician Zhang Lina of Wuhan University, with Huazhong University of Science and Technology as the first unit.


Room‐temperature Na−S batteries hold great promise for developing next‐generation battery system with the advantages of abundant resource, high energy density, and long lifetime. However, limited by sluggish kinetics, Na−S batteries frequently suffer from low utilization of active materials, rapid capacity decay during cycling and poor rate capability. Herein, we propose an advanced cathode with SeS2 tightly impregnated in chitin‐derived rich nitrogen carbon nanosheets (termed as CCN/SeS2). The CCN/SeS2 exhibits superb rate capability (422 mAh g−1 at 5 A g−1) and long cycle stability (566 mAh g−1 after 470 cycles with a capacity decay rate of 0.056 % per cycle). High content and high loading cathodes are also fabricated to meet the requirement of practical application. The results of electrochemical tests and characterization demonstrate that CCN/SeS2 has preponderance in lowering overpotential and reaction resistances, prompting the diffusion of sodium ions and achieving the uniform deposition of discharge products. For the first time, a full cell based on all‐chitin materials (CCN/SeS2 cathode and CCN anode) is assembled, which exhibits favorable cycling performance over 100 cycles. The as‐obtained cell using a green and low‐cost carbon and SeS2 inheriting the advantages of Se and S may pave a new way to energy storage.
