Congratulations to Linfeng Peng for the research paper "Research progress of solid-state sodium batteries using inorganic sodium ion conductors" accepted by Energy Storage Science and Technology.
The surging market of lithium-ion batteries has pushed up the price of lithium. Meanwhile, the lithium resources in the Earth's crust are scarce and unevenly distributed. Therefore, it is highly desirable to pursue alternatives to lithium-ion batteries. Sodium-ion batteries have attracted significant attention due to the abundant sodium resources and because sodium has similar chemical properties to lithium. Moreover, solid-state sodium batteries based on non-combustible inorganic solid electrolytes, which combine the advantages of high safety and low cost, are becoming promising energy storage devices in the field of large-scale energy storage. With considerable effort, electrolytes suitable for solid-state sodium batteries have been developed, including common β-Al2O3, NASICON-type, and sulfide solid electrolytes, as well as novel sodium-rich anti-perovskite and composite hydrides. The ionic conductivity of these solid electrolytes at ambient temperature can be enhanced to over 10-3 S/cm by optimizing the synthetic conditions, element substitution, and structural manipulation approaches, making them fully capable of meeting practical requirements. However, the practical application of solid-state sodium batteries still faces challenges from the poor chemical or electrochemical compatibility between the electrolyte and cathode/anode materials and an inferior solid-solid interfacial contact. Here we summarize the opportunities and challenges encountered in the application of different types of solid electrolytes for solid-state sodium batteries and their corresponding solutions, then we discuss the possible development directions and trends of solid-state sodium batteries in the future.