Congratulations to Linfeng Peng for his research paper " Chlorine-rich lithium argyrodite enabling solid-state batteries with capabilities of high voltage, high rate, low-temperature and ultralong cyclability " accepted by Chemical Engineering Journal
Solid-state batteries (SSBs) employing sulfide electrolytes (SEs) are considered with poor rate capability and short cycling span life, especially towards the pristine nickel-rich cathode. The high cost, low conductivity, and compatibility are regarded as the major obstacles. In this work, chlorine-rich Li5.5PS4.5Cl1.5 electrolyte with high conductivity (9.03 mS/cm) is synthesized via an easy scale-up route. The role of carbon in the cathode mixture is unraveled at room temperature (RT) and low temperature. SSBs using designed cathode without carbon deliver capacity retention of 82.4% after 10,000 cycles under 10C at room temperature and 97.0% after 200 cycles under 0.2C at −20 ℃. This research shows the potential of utilizing SEs to manufacture SSBs with high rates and long cyclability under different temperatures.